Category Archives: Personal

Wow, haven’t updated in a while.

It’s been a long time since I last updated, let me summarize what has been going on. I’m still in community college, though I am no longer at Santa Monica College. Now I’m taking my courses at El Camino College which is much closer to where I live and I am thriving there. I’m finally going to have enough credits in my major to apply to a four year school. Currently I plan to apply to USC, UC Irvine, UCSB, UC Davis, UC San Diego, CSU Long Beach, and University of Texas – Austin. The vast majority of these schools either have programs that will help me with my ultimate goal of becoming a video game designer or are close to video game studios I can intern at.

I am sad to say that my hectic schedule has left me little opportunity for creative ventures. It is something I hope to remedy soon but it is unlikely I will get anything done in what I really want to do anytime soon. My mentality is that I’m eating my vegetables so that I can enjoy my dessert but I fear that I must finish these vegetables quickly before my dessert gets cold.